Make Vue.js SPA with Laravel SEO Friendly
Make Vue.js SPA with Laravel SEO Friendly I have been working on my new startup Triphie, it’s an interactive and collaborative trip planner that helps you and your friends plan your dream trips in a very smooth and convenient way. I used Laravel and Vuejs SPA for that, and one of the challenges I’ve faced is […]
Unit Test View Controllers the easy way in Swift
When it comes to unit test view controllers, people think of using UI Tests instead of Unit Tests. However UI Test is not the answer for everything related to UIKit, and today we will discuss what are the key things to tell you what and when to use each one of them. What to unit […]
Start with Test-driven development in Swift
Previously we talked about Unit Testing and how to write them, today we will talk about Test-driven development in Swift. One of the methodologies in software development that has been developed by Kent Beck is the “Extreme Programming”, based on 12 rules or practices. One of them is that developer has to write a unit […]
Your First Unit Tests: Write IOS Unit Unit the easy way
Unit Test The Easy Way We all should write Unit Tests if we want our code to work and keep working. Why you should do Unit Tests You are planning to build an app. You start collecting features and drawing some sketches. At some point, you start coding. After you have set up the project, you start […]
today we will talk about how the developer should read the design to build better apps, and do a more complex and pixel-perfect design For a long time, the design represented a difficult challenge for the developer, and because the developer always tries to think in a way that they fill in logic, the design […]
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage — Migrate from UIWebview to WKWebView
If you are an IOS developer and you are using UIWebView and constantly deploying apps to the app store that means you definitely faced a warning from apple telling you ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage – Apple will stop accepting submissions of app updates that use UIWebView APIs starting from December 2020. See for more […]